If you wish to include the shipping fee from our shipping partner in your orders during checkout, each order will have its own separate shipping fee. Each order may take a different time frame of preparation, since many factors influence, like conditions, location in the warehouse, dimensions, etc. so they are shipped individually.
If you have multiple freight orders (pallets) located in the same warehouse and want them to be picked up at once, you must checkout as "Arrange my own shipment" and not include the shipping fee from our partner. You will need to wait until orders all are ready to ship, then send the details such as LOT IDs, total pallet count and dimensions & weight to your carrier to request a single BOL. You will need to schedule pickup appointments for all orders so they can be released to the carrier.
If you have multiple parcel orders (boxes) located in the same warehouse and want to reduce the amount of boxes or consolidate them into a pallet to save on shipping fees, you must checkout as "Arrange my own shipment" and not include the shipping fee from our partner. Please contact Customer Service (live chat, 1-800-679-9451 or support@directliquidation.com) once the orders change to status "PAID-NOT-SHIPPED" on your account to request consolidation. As soon as the request is concluded by our facility, we will e-mail you the combined dimensions & weight so that you can prepare the shipping labels or BOL.
Our Transportation team can always assist you with delivery if you are having trouble to arrange your own carrier. Please reach out to transport@directliquidation.com once all orders are paid to request a shipping quote.
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